Independent Distributor for Karemor International Inc of South Africa



Been trying to quit smoking for a while but just can't do it? Tired of the dirty ashtrays, that run-down feeling, clothes smelling like smoke, stained teeth, bad breath and a weakened immune system? Don't like the idea of wearing patches or constantly chewing gum? KareMor has your answer.

Smoke-Less� is designed as an easy substitute for smoking, providing a refreshing, pleasant taste filled with pure vitamins, nutrients and herbs that are used to heighten your senses, cleanse your system and reduce cravings.

This special combination of vitamins B6, B12, E and herbs keeps you in balance and replaces your desire to eat as well, reducing the potential for weight gain and irritability.

We know that smoking virtually destroys a person's immune system, making them more susceptible to colds and other viral infections. Vitamin E protects the immune system from damage during times of oxidative stress and viral infections. Vitamin B6 is required for the proper functioning of at least 60 different enzymes, making it essential for a strong immune system, and vitamin B12 plays a critical role in energy metabolism, immune function and nerve function.

Smoke-Less� puts back into your body what smoking takes out. Quitting is tough; there's no doubt about it. But Smoke-Less� can make it a little easier.

Contains: Vitamins B6, B12, E, Bioflavonoids, Blue Cohosh, Burdock, Echinacea Purpurea, Hops, Magnolia, Bee Propolis, Slippery Elm, Valerian root, Wood Betony.

Size, capacity:133ml

Manufactured by:Karemor

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RefDescriptionPriceQuantity RequiredAdd To Basket
 Smoke-Less  120.00 each

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