Independent Distributor for Karemor International Inc of South Africa

Blue-Green Sea Spray 


It's been estimated that 80% of our population consumes insufficient quantities of essential fatty acids. While it's true that we are supposed to have no more than 30% of our calories from fat, supplementation from fatty acids is beneficial to many health conditions.

KareMor's Blue-Green Sea Spray combines omega-3 (linolenic) and omega-6 (linoleic) fatty acids, extracted from both spirulina, a blue-green algae found in various spots around the globe, and flaxseed, a plant whose cultivation stretches back to ancient Egypt.

Essential fatty acids have numerous functions in the body. They are precursors to a family of compounds known as the prostaglandins - which are responsible for numerous effects throughout the body.

In addition, Blue-Green Sea Spray adds carotenoids, including beta-carotene, which exert antioxidant effects, and chlorophylls, known for their ability to stimulate wound healing.

Eight out of every ten people aren't getting the amount of fatty acids their body needs to produce energy and fight infections. Are you one of them?

Contains: Vitamin E, Spirulina, Flax Seed Oil.

Size, capacity:133ml

Manufactured by:Karemor

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Currency R
RefDescriptionPriceQuantity RequiredAdd To Basket
 Blue-Green Sea Spray  120.00 each

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